
The Pacific NW is a perfect habitat for rats to thrive in. In the Pacific Northwest we have two primary species of rats: The Common or Norway Rat (Rattus Norvegicus) and the Black Rat (Rattus-Rattus), also referred to as the Roof Rat, Ship Rat, or House Rat.

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Carpenter Ants

In the Pacific Northwest, ants can be classified into two (2) broad categories: Carpenter Ants and what we generally refer to as “Small Ants”. Carpenter Ants will hibernate through the winter and Small Ants will remain active all year.

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Spiders are plentiful in the Pacific Northwest. They get a bad rap as they appear menacing and there is nothing more unnerving than walking into a spider’s web as you walk to your front door or down a sidewalk. But overall, spiders are considered beneficial as they capture and feed on other insects.

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